Thursday, February 14, 2008


Some of you might be familiar with Doraemon, a Japanese manga character created by Fujiko Fujio. This character is from a time somewhere in the future, and thus has magical powers. Doraemon has a fourth-dimensional pocket on its body, and is able to pull out many types of things or devices, known as dōgu from it.

In this manga series, the story always depicts the boy Nobita who goes through his daily live with some mischief and trouble, but with the help of Doraemon and his friends and family, they usually end happily. This particular manga has a faithful following due to its good-natured storyline, and its watched by both the young and old.

I'm not surprised if everyone who watches Doraemon takes a special liking to it!

Some of these are items from another popular character, Crayon Shin Chan. The manga series for this character is shown all around the world, making it very popular actually.

When I was in Spain, I stumbled upon Crayon Shin Chan and Dragon Ball on the TV. I was surprised to find out they were so popular there as well. Even though it was shown in a different language, but it's still quite heartwarming to know that people around the world still share some similar interests and values!

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