Friday, March 07, 2008

Ninjutsu 忍術

The Japanese character for "Nin" (忍) is composed of 2 parts. The upper means "blade" while the lower means "heart" or "spirit". Combined together, they mean "stealth" and "secretness", along with "endurance" and "perseverance". The 2nd character "Jutsu" (術) means "technique". Although the popular belief is that Ninjutsu means the art of stealth, actual practitioners of this art consider it to also mean the art of endurance.

In the age of the warlordsm the ninja art of subterfuge was most useful in spying, obtaining enemy information, assassinations and undercover intrigue. Ninja formed a special social class of their own in certain areas of Japan. especially in the Iga, Koga, Yakeda and Togakushi areas. Ninja techiniques were grouped in a number of different styles.

One of the more popular tools of Ninja : Shuriken ("hand released blade"), which is to be thrown at adversaries). It is known in the West as "death stars".

Ninja-themed amusement parks are found in various parts of Japan. Visit one of them and have some fun!

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